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 Egypt's Copts "calls to go to the fields and sit to demand the overthrow of President He coalition Copts of Egypt said in a statement today strongly condemned what is happening now all over the country and called on the coalition all the masses of the Eg

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27559
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Egypt's Copts "calls to go to the fields and sit to demand the overthrow of President  He coalition Copts of Egypt said in a statement today strongly condemned what is happening now all over the country and called on the coalition all the masses of the Eg Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Egypt's Copts "calls to go to the fields and sit to demand the overthrow of President He coalition Copts of Egypt said in a statement today strongly condemned what is happening now all over the country and called on the coalition all the masses of the Eg   Egypt's Copts "calls to go to the fields and sit to demand the overthrow of President  He coalition Copts of Egypt said in a statement today strongly condemned what is happening now all over the country and called on the coalition all the masses of the Eg Emptyالسبت ديسمبر 08, 2012 9:20 am

Egypt's Copts "calls to go to the fields and sit to demand the overthrow of President

coalition Copts of Egypt said in a statement today strongly condemned
what is happening now all over the country and called on the coalition
all the masses of the Egyptian people to rally in all fields to demand
the fall of the legitimacy of President Mohamed Morsi, which does not
reflect in no way what one aspires members of the Egyptian people.

confirms in all that he did this president since the announcement of
his victory and Hanth oath the constitutional its alliance three times
in front of crowds of people and not being able to run the country the
way the wise required by phase tense which appeared in all his decisions
and his return continued in most of these decisions and adherence to
some of them.

statement added that the legitimacy of the president fell when he
failed to manage the crisis of the Constituent Assembly, which has
turned into a hearing family party composed of the Muslim Brotherhood
and their allies aspirants has fallen legitimacy of President after he
ignored the opposition forces and make the dialogue with them a form of
lying and deception of the Egyptian people and also hit when he refused
to listen the
voice of the more than 25 million Egyptians took to the fields and the
streets to say in all languages ​​of the world "Down with the
constitutional declaration."

statement stressed that the legitimacy of Mercy also fell when he
killed all hopes to be the president of all Egyptians and when he felt
that the Egyptian people is his only and also when he fled from the back
door of the Federal Palace.

movement demanded Hamia Egyptians to take to the Hamia field of Egypt
and sit until he graduated Egypt from this crisis and returned to the
Egyptians their liberty.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Egypt's Copts "calls to go to the fields and sit to demand the overthrow of President He coalition Copts of Egypt said in a statement today strongly condemned what is happening now all over the country and called on the coalition all the masses of the Eg
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