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 I have just signed a petition to stop the genocide against Muslims in Burma. Do you join me? To the Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron and Mr. President Francois Hollande: Concerned citizens strongly to the current violence in Burma, we ask you by clicki

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27558
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

I have just signed a petition to stop the genocide against Muslims in Burma. Do you join me? To the Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron and Mr. President Francois Hollande:   Concerned citizens strongly to the current violence in Burma, we ask you by clicki Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: I have just signed a petition to stop the genocide against Muslims in Burma. Do you join me? To the Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron and Mr. President Francois Hollande: Concerned citizens strongly to the current violence in Burma, we ask you by clicki   I have just signed a petition to stop the genocide against Muslims in Burma. Do you join me? To the Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron and Mr. President Francois Hollande:   Concerned citizens strongly to the current violence in Burma, we ask you by clicki Emptyالإثنين يوليو 15, 2013 7:19 am

I have just signed a petition to stop the genocide against Muslims in Burma. Do you join me?
To the Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron and Mr. President Francois Hollande:

I have just signed a petition to stop the genocide against Muslims in Burma. Do you join me? To the Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron and Mr. President Francois Hollande:   Concerned citizens strongly to the current violence in Burma, we ask you by clicki 4740_rohingya1_1_459x230
Concerned citizens strongly to the current violence in Burma, we ask you by clicking on the President to protect Burmese Rohingya immediately all the necessary roads, and give them citizenship and full legal rights, during your meeting with him this month. Ask you insisting on the application of these procedures and addressing the immunity of the aggressors to stop the violence as a condition of improve your relations business. You both spoke repeatedly about the need for early action to prevent genocide and crimes against humanity - and now it's time for a century already speak.
Most people never heard of the people of Rwanda until it was too late, and the death of 800 thousand of them. Now the fate of the Rohingya Muslims in Burma hanging by a thread. Has some Albultgiyn to racists distributing leaflets threatening the elimination of the minority Burmese. Indeed, children were killed and commit unspeakable crimes. All signs point to imminent danger, what we do not act now.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
I have just signed a petition to stop the genocide against Muslims in Burma. Do you join me? To the Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron and Mr. President Francois Hollande: Concerned citizens strongly to the current violence in Burma, we ask you by clicki
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