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 President, who cut Ear every man in his country

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27559
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

President, who cut Ear every man in his country Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: President, who cut Ear every man in his country   President, who cut Ear every man in his country Emptyالجمعة مايو 03, 2013 9:46 am

President, who cut Ear every man in his country
that the governor of one of the country's long injury serious illness
and did not find doctors to treat only spare his nose,
Governor surrendered to the order of doctors and they make too much ..
Having recovered, and looked at the ugly face without a nose,
To come out of this embarrassing situation, ordered his minister and his senior staff to cut off their noses,
And all of them became official ordering from is lower than that salary is cut nose ..
To be arrived all state employees
And all of them when he goes to his house became ordering his wife and everyone of his family cut off his nose.
With the passage of time has become this normally, and part of the features of the people of this town ..
Once the new baby is born male or female
However, be the first action after cutting the cord is cut off his nose,

Over the years after a stranger in this town ..
And everyone was seen as ugly and offbeat because
Has something hanging from his face .. Is the right of his nose!!

فبحكم power, by virtue of a habit that became part
From the form of this small community, and this remote town:
Wrong became right .. And became a true error.
laughing at him and the existence of the nose on his face ... oh Hall
Look at this strange object with a shape of the nose!! Thus, most people said,,,,
Hallelujah forgotten they noses owners in the original.

Do you know what the name of this village?? It is the king?? And who are the people ... ???

We have lost our noses?
How wrong We have prepared him and became the most desirable right .. And defend him because of our customs?

My beloved Thssoa أنوفكم ... Thssoa your minds ...
And ask yourselves: How many things are cut you ..
And tried to discover errors that and Rthtamoha for parents
Dropped her of habit wheel and fashionable and they put on the table religion and reason
And returned to build your relationship with her ... To restore olfactory together and think
The wisdom of an old man
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President, who cut Ear every man in his country
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