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  Disclosure of a secret plan for the church to drop the Mursi Israeli-American plan Amrozi Church sources pointed out that there is almost a consensus within the church on the need to overthrow President Mohamed Morsi. The sources added that the churc

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عدد المساهمات : 69
نقاط : 4533
السٌّمعَة : 10
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/11/2012

 Disclosure of a secret plan for the church to drop the Mursi Israeli-American plan Amrozi    Church sources pointed out that there is almost a consensus within the church on the need to overthrow President Mohamed Morsi.  The sources added that the churc Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Disclosure of a secret plan for the church to drop the Mursi Israeli-American plan Amrozi Church sources pointed out that there is almost a consensus within the church on the need to overthrow President Mohamed Morsi. The sources added that the churc    Disclosure of a secret plan for the church to drop the Mursi Israeli-American plan Amrozi    Church sources pointed out that there is almost a consensus within the church on the need to overthrow President Mohamed Morsi.  The sources added that the churc Emptyالخميس ديسمبر 06, 2012 1:18 pm

Disclosure of a secret plan for the church to drop the Mursi
Israeli-American plan Amrozi

 Disclosure of a secret plan for the church to drop the Mursi Israeli-American plan Amrozi    Church sources pointed out that there is almost a consensus within the church on the need to overthrow President Mohamed Morsi.  The sources added that the churc 533513_387134078041069_1420796466_n
Church sources pointed out that there is almost a consensus within the church on the need to overthrow President Mohamed Morsi.

The sources added that the church decided to mobilize youth in all events and demonstrations
Opposition to President Morsi, but without raising any slogans or crosses so as not to be revealed
Church scheme, according to the "Egyptians".

The plan depends on what
Known as the "New Look" of a new Coptic youth through demonstrations and sit-ins planned
In front of the Federal Palace, and hide any manifestations of Coptic reveal the identity of the protesters, not even
Are portrayed protests against President Morsi on it from the church,
In order to prevent raising and mobilizing Islamic currents that Sthchd to support Mercy
If the evidence shows that most protests are Federal belonging to the church.

In the context
Same correspondent "Egyptians" in front of the Federal Palace on Tuesday that hundreds of
Coptic youth members of the church coalitions such as the Maspero Youth Movement and Movement
Copts Without restrictions, participated in the protests yesterday without raise any slogans or
Crosses, reveal their religious identity.

The march included hundreds had been launched
Yesterday evening from Shubra area around Tahrir Square has seen an intense presence of youth
Coptic who continued with the march until he entered the field which continued until
The late hours of the night.

An Egyptian lawyer has submitted a communication to the Deputy
General accuses them both Amr Moussa, and Hamdeen Sabahi former candidates in the
Presidential election, and Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the Party Constitution, and Mr. Badawi Prime
Wafd Party, and Chancellor Ahmed ulna head of the Judges Club, spying and incitement to
Overthrow the regime in Egypt.

The Attorney General has transmitted Egyptian Talaat Abdel-
God author submitted by the lawyer Hamid Sadiq to the attorney general for Prosecutions
Supreme State Security, for investigation

The author: Amr Moussa
Met with Secretary of State "Israeli" former Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and that he agreed with her
Confuse Mohammed Mursi, the head of the Republic, and fabricating internal crises, and coordinated with
Defendant rest in the right, and carried out his scheme the beginning of the withdrawal of the Constituent Assembly
The Constitution, and attract some other elements to confuse the system, and incitement to heart
Regime, and abort the revolution.

Sadiq added that all the defendants met
In the Wafd Party, for the implementation of the "Zionist plan" calls to confuse the internal situation, and rumor
Chaos, and overthrow the govern
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Disclosure of a secret plan for the church to drop the Mursi Israeli-American plan Amrozi Church sources pointed out that there is almost a consensus within the church on the need to overthrow President Mohamed Morsi. The sources added that the churc
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