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 Badie: America Morsi isolated because of his Islamic Arabs now - omnipotent Said the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohammed Badie, said that what happened in June 30 last year, and the isolation of former President Mohamed Morsi, the internal

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27558
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Badie: America Morsi isolated because of his Islamic Arabs now - omnipotent Said the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohammed Badie, said that what happened in June 30 last year, and the isolation of former President Mohamed Morsi, the internal Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Badie: America Morsi isolated because of his Islamic Arabs now - omnipotent Said the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohammed Badie, said that what happened in June 30 last year, and the isolation of former President Mohamed Morsi, the internal   Badie: America Morsi isolated because of his Islamic Arabs now - omnipotent Said the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohammed Badie, said that what happened in June 30 last year, and the isolation of former President Mohamed Morsi, the internal Emptyالجمعة أغسطس 02, 2013 10:28 pm

Badie: America Morsi isolated because of his Islamic
Arabs now - omnipotent
Said the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohammed Badie, said that what happened in June 30 last year, and the isolation of former President Mohamed Morsi, the internal and external plot, and accused the Americans.

Badie: America Morsi isolated because of his Islamic Arabs now - omnipotent Said the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohammed Badie, said that what happened in June 30 last year, and the isolation of former President Mohamed Morsi, the internal 250Badie said, in his weekly "The military coup against Morsi, was a plot of internal and external coup and their masters Americans, and because of national positions Morsi and tireless quest to achieve the goals of the revolution." The army accused as a "committed massacres against protesters during prayer."
Badi commented on the mandate of the police broke up a sit-Morsi supporters, saying that "the leaders of the Interior were pretending to be كالبطة الكسيحة unable to deal with thugs and vandals over the past year, and now turned to the giant killer, a shedder of blood."

He considered it "an attempt by the bloody military coup, to distance themselves from indulging in further bloodshed, and police Aortoa in this heinous crime against peaceful demonstrators."
He said that "at a time when the Egyptian people is poised to reap the fruits of sacrifices of the great revolution of January 25, signed a military coup bloody Dr. Mohamed Morsi, who was elected by the people, civilian president of Egypt for the first time in decades, and the revolution, after it had been his national, and his quest hard to achieve the goals of the revolution teased the wrath of many forces at home and abroad it "
He pointed out that "politicians have refused invitations President cascading them in dialogue or reconciliation, but to go to them for reconciliation, and refused offers to nominate some of them to take over the ministries and began to incite the military coup, despite their claim of liberal democracy and civil state, and reject dictatorship and military rule."
Turning Badie to the role of outer "coup against Morsi," saying: "The outside has angered the West on the project independence Liberal renaissance, which was adopted by President Mohamed Morsi, Farrah incites internal forces him and regional powers lotheth project democratic Islamic, fearing for their thrones, to pay billions to thwarted. "

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Badie: America Morsi isolated because of his Islamic Arabs now - omnipotent Said the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Mohammed Badie, said that what happened in June 30 last year, and the isolation of former President Mohamed Morsi, the internal
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