dubizzle دوبيزل
dubizzle دوبيزل
dubizzle دوبيزل
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 There was a man with his wife in a boat at sea, and suddenly had a severe storm and took the boat swings, the wife was terrified and her husband was smiling in the heart of storm Vtjpt, how to smile and we face death? He looked her husband and took a knif

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27559
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

There was a man with his wife in a boat at sea, and suddenly had a severe storm and took the boat swings, the wife was terrified and her husband was smiling in the heart of storm Vtjpt, how to smile and we face death? He looked her husband and took a knif Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: There was a man with his wife in a boat at sea, and suddenly had a severe storm and took the boat swings, the wife was terrified and her husband was smiling in the heart of storm Vtjpt, how to smile and we face death? He looked her husband and took a knif   There was a man with his wife in a boat at sea, and suddenly had a severe storm and took the boat swings, the wife was terrified and her husband was smiling in the heart of storm Vtjpt, how to smile and we face death? He looked her husband and took a knif Emptyالخميس فبراير 21, 2013 5:46 pm

There was a man with his wife in a boat at sea, and suddenly had a severe storm and took the boat swings, the wife was terrified and her husband was smiling in the heart of storm Vtjpt, how to smile and we face death? He looked her husband and took a knif 485174_137665283065057_2116562241_n
There was a man with his wife in a boat at sea, and suddenly had a severe storm and took the boat swings, the wife was terrified and her husband was smiling in the heart of storm Vtjpt, how to smile and we face death? He looked her husband and took a knife from the boat and put it on her neck and told her (Atkhavin of dagger?) Said to him, smiling (how scared and you're from the attachment and I am sure you?), Attributed the dagger into his belt and said (and also I am not afraid of the storm because I am confident in the Lord and is manufactured van survived, that is better for me and that I am doomed it is better for me)
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
There was a man with his wife in a boat at sea, and suddenly had a severe storm and took the boat swings, the wife was terrified and her husband was smiling in the heart of storm Vtjpt, how to smile and we face death? He looked her husband and took a knif
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