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dubizzle دوبيزل
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 Marital relationship intimate relationship strong and powerful as the Charter thick, but a lot of husbands and wives consider relationship marginal is only a family and children, a woman after marriage treated her husband as a husband and Abu boys just do

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27559
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Marital relationship intimate relationship strong and powerful as the Charter thick, but a lot of husbands and wives consider relationship marginal is only a family and children, a woman after marriage treated her husband as a husband and Abu boys just do Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Marital relationship intimate relationship strong and powerful as the Charter thick, but a lot of husbands and wives consider relationship marginal is only a family and children, a woman after marriage treated her husband as a husband and Abu boys just do   Marital relationship intimate relationship strong and powerful as the Charter thick, but a lot of husbands and wives consider relationship marginal is only a family and children, a woman after marriage treated her husband as a husband and Abu boys just do Emptyالجمعة فبراير 22, 2013 9:24 am

relationship intimate relationship strong and powerful as the Charter
thick, but a lot of husbands and wives consider relationship marginal is
only a family and children, a woman after marriage treated her husband
as a husband and Abu boys just do not work, and that there are things
that should not be disclosed to the pair and that may be shared with her friend or sister does not know that the first pair that knows these things than others.

well as men, finds the women that the object weak who can not live
without a man while he creature to serve men, is considered the man that
commanding finisher in the house which the Emperor of his kingdom, and
that women are found only to respect and submit to it and do the service
and comfort but it is also wrong in belief.

find that this type of men, have been doing a lot of things without
trying to take the opinion of his wife in any subject that his thinking
limited him think that women object Donny lower than, and this is the
error given, why not a man can be treated women as well as the friend
who goes to the cafe specifically for Ajalsh and wrought?, because his wife is not the henchman a dependable bond?.

do not know many people is that the wife is always better than a
friend, where they are keener than friendly to her husband being the
father of her children are based on comfort and help him in his ordeal
and is looking for his interests that affect them more than anyone else
is the only person that may be able to be fitted Secrets her
husband and supporting him, and when he is not all men loyal wives as a
friend tells him what had disheartened and suffered it certainly will
stand by his side.

same applies to women as intelligent women are that knows how to win
the heart of her husband and make it in her class until their
relationship more loving and safer So, try dear earn the trust of your
husband so as not to stand your turn on just the wife carried on affairs
of her husband, but they are friendly and fellow trail and life partner

he can couple a relationship of friendship these two have come to
mirror each other discover each inside the other easily, which serves to
reduce the differences certainly become their lives more stable than
ever before, there is no more beautiful than a woman to be friendly
husband, who should love and gaining affection.
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Marital relationship intimate relationship strong and powerful as the Charter thick, but a lot of husbands and wives consider relationship marginal is only a family and children, a woman after marriage treated her husband as a husband and Abu boys just do
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