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 Start on the second anniversary of the January revolution early, where clashes between security and protesters in the vicinity of Tahrir Square near dawn, but soon ended with the morning hours, and the influx of hundreds of demonstrators to fill the field

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27559
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Start on the second anniversary of the January revolution early, where clashes between security and protesters in the vicinity of Tahrir Square near dawn, but soon ended with the morning hours, and the influx of hundreds of demonstrators to fill the field Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Start on the second anniversary of the January revolution early, where clashes between security and protesters in the vicinity of Tahrir Square near dawn, but soon ended with the morning hours, and the influx of hundreds of demonstrators to fill the field   Start on the second anniversary of the January revolution early, where clashes between security and protesters in the vicinity of Tahrir Square near dawn, but soon ended with the morning hours, and the influx of hundreds of demonstrators to fill the field Emptyالجمعة يناير 25, 2013 5:19 pm

on the second anniversary of the January revolution early, where
clashes between security and protesters in the vicinity of Tahrir Square
near dawn, but soon ended with the morning hours, and the influx of
hundreds of demonstrators to fill the field waiting for parades, which
begins with Friday prayers.

Start on the second anniversary of the January revolution early, where clashes between security and protesters in the vicinity of Tahrir Square near dawn, but soon ended with the morning hours, and the influx of hundreds of demonstrators to fill the field 250113152733_copy
on the second anniversary of the January revolution early, where
clashes between security and protesters in the vicinity of Tahrir Square
near dawn, but soon ended with the morning hours, and the influx of
hundreds of demonstrators to fill the field waiting for parades, which
begins with Friday prayers.

several marches in Cairo and Giza towards liberation, and the
leadership of a number of national symbols, such as Dr. Mohamed
ElBaradei and Dr. Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh and Hamdeen Sabahi and
Khaled Ali and others, but the most important events of the day so far
was outside the scope of the capital.

different was more acute in the protests, and has some of the
demonstrators in Alexandria, Suez and Alexandria and western Bursaidb
trying to storm some police stations or collections provinces condemned
by virtue of Dr «Mohamed Morsi» President of the Republic and what they
called the rallying cries «Ojuna state», which led to violent clashes
and casualties strong from
the use of security for the tear-gas grenades and cartridges, as
opposed to throwing stones at them demonstrators, and many injuries on
both sides by those clashes

This is a chronology of the anniversary of the revolution .. Since the dawn of the fourth day and even half in the afternoon:

05:30: Revolution Day started very early, shortly after dawn .. Security
forces stormed the central Tahrir Square after exceeding the Qasr
al-Aini wall separation between them and the protesters, and burned some
tents and firing tear gas.

break into the car owners carrying gunmen in civilian clothes to the
field, and launched cartouche on the protesters, wounding one of them,
before speeding car fleeing.

security source announced to control a fire in Egypt railway station,
and because it was caused by arson because it started in more than one
place at the same time.

Ministry of Health announces that the outcome of clashes that resulted
from the Liberation storming his security dawn were 16 injured people,
with an emphasis on the lack of deaths so far.

the return of calm in Tahrir Square after the decline of security
beyond the separation wall in the Qasr al-Aini, and the return of the
protesters to Tahrir Square in preparation for the start of figures
anniversary of the revolution after a few hours.

Constitution Party announce the participation of Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei,
head of the party and the general coordinator of the National Salvation
Front, in the march, which will begin to Tahrir Square after Friday
prayers of Mostafa Mahmoud Mosque.

coordinators of the National Salvation Front and the April 6 Movement
and some political parties in the provinces declare that the different
marches will begin after Friday prayers and will be on the streets and
main squares.

announcement of a number of political movements in Alexandria sit-open
arena opposite the mosque leader Ibrahim refused «Ojuna State and claim
the achievement of the goals of the revolution.

a fire in the garage the U.S. Embassy, ​​and the horror of the
population out of fear that it has to do with demonstrations anniversary
of the revolution, and before it is controlled and found to be due to a
fire in the remnants of an existing garage.

Start Hundreds of protesters flocked to Tahrir Square for Friday
prayers there, in preparation for receiving marches and start figures of
the second anniversary of the revolution under the slogan «revolution
continues to achieve its objectives.

the arrival of Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei to Mostafa Mahmoud Mosque, for
Friday prayers before leading the march heading to Tahrir Square.

Arrival Hamdeen Sabahi, former presidential candidate and founder of a
popular trend, Mostafa Mahmoud Mosque to lead the march of the Salvation
Front with ElBaradei to Tahrir Square.

Renewed clashes with stones again among a number of demonstrators and
police in Sheikh Rihan Street, and resulted in various injuries.

Start starting marches from mosques in Cairo and Giza towards Tahrir
Square, and announce intensify security preparations and Artkazh the
front vital installations in anticipation of any target during the
events of the day.

Masked walks the Corniche in Alexandria in front of a mosque leader
Ibrahim to prevent vehicles from moving in that region, in the light of
figures mark the second anniversary of the revolution.

the influx of hundreds of Dakahlia to Martyrs' Square in front of the
province to participate in the second anniversary of the revolution, and
the revolution youth coalition demolish all existing platforms in the
field and create a new platform, one for each currents so as not to
distract efforts.

move thousands in front of the mosque 'Theology' in Shubra march
towards Tahrir, waving pictures of martyrs and chanting slogans
condemning the virtue of Dr. «Mohamed Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood.

the arrival of Dr. Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh to march Cairo to
participate in the march of his party to Tahrir Square, addressed the
demonstrators, saying «will not succeed one faction control of the
Egyptian state» and «the demands of the revolution still list.

Clashes between security forces and demonstrators in front of the local
People's Assembly in Alexandria, where security forces fired tear gas
and cartridges, Re demonstrators with stones and chanting against the

hundreds gathered in front of the Federal Palace gate after coming out
of the Mosque of Omar bin Abdul Aziz, and they shout against Dr. Mohamed
Morsi, and against the Muslim Brotherhood, demanding the completion of
the goals of the revolution and to achieve social justice.

the escalation of clashes between demonstrators and security in
Alexandria, security forces using high density gas to disperse
protesters, amid an exchange of stones.

Dr. Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh leave Egypt Party march strong to severe
injury unwell because of the crowds, declaring that he will go to Tahrir
Square to his car.

Under Clashes some demonstrators tried to storm the department Mansheya
Alexandria before addressing security make intensive use of tear gas in
addition to the use of civilians.

ElBaradei confirms, in a statement to Al-Masri Al-Youm on the sidelines
of a march Mustafa Mahmoud, that people came down today to complete the
revolution and not celebrated on «Mercy» to listen to the

«AM» declares, on the sidelines of the march Mustafa Mahmoud, that
social justice is the basic requirement for the masses, and Mursi must
take real reforms before it is too late.

Khalid Ali, former presidential candidate, participates in Imbaba
destined march to Tahrir Square, and is authorized for Al-Masri Al-Youm
that the «legitimacy Mursi fell with the blood of the Federal
'demanding' overthrow the regime.

ambulances transported dozens of the wounded from the periphery of the
local People's Assembly in Alexandria, injuries range from Igmeat wounds
and tear gas slinging stones in addition to injuries Bakhertoh
expressed by security.

Spokesman Ministry of Health announced another 4 demonstrators and 6
security personnel in clashes Palace Streets Aini and Sheikh Rihan which
took place appeared near Tahrir Square.

Khaled Alameddine, Advisor to the President and leader of Salafi Nour
Party, confirms that «will be addressing any vandalism of national
installations or departure from legitimate peaceful demonstrations.

violent clashes between demonstrators tried to storm the office in the
province in the face of the security forces that drove them, where
protesters used stones, while the heavy security using tear gas and

Women's march began in front of the Roxy Cinema roam the streets of
Heliopolis chants against the Brotherhood and the President «Mercy»
symbols and pictures of Egyptian Women Throughout the twentieth century,
such as Hoda Shaarawi Umm Kulthum and Simulated Shahenda.

the spread of a number of armored vehicles, tanks and armed forces at
the entrances to Cairo and other governorates in anticipation of
violence or attempts to storm the public facilities that might occur in
the figures of the second anniversary of the January revolution.

hundreds of protesters who surrounded the office of the first section
Mahala Gharbia Governorate, chanting slogans against the Ministry of
Interior and the other against the President of the Republic and the
Muslim Brotherhood.

Arrival march mosque «light» that started from the Abbasid to Tahrir
Square, the center of chanting demonstrators chanted slogans against
leader of the Muslim Brotherhood Mohamed Badie and the President of the
Republic «Mohamed Morsi.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Start on the second anniversary of the January revolution early, where clashes between security and protesters in the vicinity of Tahrir Square near dawn, but soon ended with the morning hours, and the influx of hundreds of demonstrators to fill the field
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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