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 Started mercy of Ramadan. Number of demonstrators tried to convince youth movement the Black Block masked leave the vicinity of the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood Online mail, Baltoviqih, but the youth a masked refused and insisted on staying and

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27559
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Started mercy of Ramadan. Number of demonstrators tried to convince youth movement the Black Block masked leave the vicinity of the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood Online mail, Baltoviqih, but the youth a masked refused and insisted on staying and  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Started mercy of Ramadan. Number of demonstrators tried to convince youth movement the Black Block masked leave the vicinity of the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood Online mail, Baltoviqih, but the youth a masked refused and insisted on staying and    Started mercy of Ramadan. Number of demonstrators tried to convince youth movement the Black Block masked leave the vicinity of the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood Online mail, Baltoviqih, but the youth a masked refused and insisted on staying and  Emptyالجمعة يناير 25, 2013 4:59 pm

Started mercy of Ramadan. Number
of demonstrators tried to convince youth movement the Black Block
masked leave the vicinity of the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood
Online mail, Baltoviqih, but the youth a masked refused and insisted on
staying and responded by saying, "Elly Khayef walked .. and every one
protect him in the event." She
returned again clashes between demonstrators and a number of present
location Bros. Online, and threw empty bottles and cartridge bullets at
the demonstrators. Your
comment could mean you read Protocol publish comments on the seventh
day, and you assume the moral and legal responsibility for the
publication of this ...
Editor «Brothers Online: unknown assailants broke into the headquarters 'location' in central Cairo
Egyptian day - 13 minutes ago
Abdel-Latif said, editor of the Muslim Brotherhood, on the Internet
«Brothers Online, that unidentified officials Friday afternoon stormed
the site commons area in central Cairo. He
described 'Abdul Latif' in a press statement, they stormed the site
«hired terrorists, pointing out that they had smashed all computers and
technical equipment in Active, which administer the site was forced to
work from somewhere else. And
accused the editor in chief of «Brothers Online, the Ministry of
Interior of negligence and dereliction because of failing to protect the
site despite being subjected to a similar attack ...
Editor of "Brothers Online" accuses Interior Minister of negligence
Today's News - 9 minutes ago
the editor in chief of "Brothers Online" and the Ministry of the
Interior of negligence and dereliction because of failing to protect the
site despite being subjected to a similar attack two days ago, and they
can not so far to arrest the perpetrators. The
editor in chief of "Brothers Online" Magdi Abdel Latif that
unidentified officials Friday, January 25, stormed the site Bmenkth
compromise in downtown Cairo. Latif
described - in a statement - they stormed the site "terrorists hacks",
pointing out that they had smashed all computers and technical equipment
in Active, forcing site management to work ...
Editor of "Brothers Online" Interior Ministry accused of negligence and dereliction because of failing to protect the site
Ahram Gate - 24 minutes before
editor (Brothers Online) Magdi Abdel Latif Friday evening and the
Interior Ministry of negligence and dereliction due to protection of the
site, and in spite of being subjected to a similar attack two days ago,
and they can not so far from the arrest of the perpetrators. The
editor-in-chief (Brothers Online) Magdy Abdel Latif unknown that have
Friday evening stormed the site Bmenkth compromise in downtown Cairo. Latif
described - in a statement - they stormed the site (terrorists hacks),
noting that they had smashed all computers and technical equipment in
Clashes in the vicinity of the site Brotherhood "Online"
The delegation - 53 minutes ago
the march of Shubra rotation before arriving to Tahrir Square, clashes
between demonstrators and some workers located Bros. Online in Ahmed
Orabi Street intersection with Street July 26, and began gunfire, and
throwing stones and Molotov cocktails. The
demonstrators stood in front of the headquarters of Brothers Online,
and the voices chanting anti-Muslim Brotherhood and to demand the
departure of President Mohamed Morsi, prompting workers Active throwing
bottles from the balcony of the headquarters of the Brotherhood's
website Online. The
demonstrators raised shoes, chanting slogans "Alkdaben most important"
pointing to the headquarters of the Brotherhood Online, and I was
surprised march voices ...
Exchange of fire between unknown above the headquarters «Bros. Online and demonstrators march Shubra
Egyptian Today - 1 hour ago
by unidentified, standing up in the surface of the building located
where news website of the Muslim Brotherhood, «Brothers Online», and
Hisham Mubarak Center for Law, Friday afternoon, the march coming from
the field of Shubra, near Market Commons, throwing Molotov and stones
and bottles, and the exchange of nameless, and a number of demonstrators who carry a weapon, shooting and cartridges, and slinging stones. And some protesters burned a set of goods near Market Commons. And
prevent demonstrators and civil protection forces arrived to the scene
of the fire to extinguish, where they throwing stones and bricks, which
led to the crash of the interface ...
"Black Block" burn-based affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt
Muslim - 01/24/2013
masked deliberately set fire to the headquarters site "Brothers
Online," a spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, last night by
the presence of a number of journalists. A
group calling itself the "Black Block" claimed responsibility for the
attack and published pictures of the preparations indicate the use of
Molotov cocktails. The
network quoted a "monitor" news about Magdi Abdel Latif, editor in
chief of "Brothers Online" as saying that a group of thugs and assassins
have set fire to a short while ago at the entrance to the headquarters
of the site and inside 6 of journalists in an attempt to burn down the
headquarters. The fire brigade responded to distress ...
Unknown parents are prevented from storming the headquarters of «Brothers Online in central Cairo
Sunrise - 1 hour ago
group of demonstrators storm the headquarters of «Brothers Online, the
website of the Muslim Brotherhood in central Cairo, and attempt failed
because the parents confronted them and protect Headquarters, as
announced Al Jazeera directly Egypt. The
Web site said that he «was a third attempt to break into, broke battle
Bakhertoh and cocktails compromise between the people and masked men
tried to burn a headquarters, which resulted in numerous casualties
among market traders compromise. And
was the headquarters of the group of violent attacks since President
Mohamed Morsi rule, against the backdrop of opposition forces accused
the group of trying to «Ojuna» ...
Detail .. They why done ladies in Talaat Harb .. The story of the attack on the Muslim Brotherhood Online Republic
Massai - 1 hour ago
Still marches flocking to Tahrir Square .. Has launched march Fath Mosque, which includes hundreds joined the march July 26 .. The
most important thing to draw attention in the center of the country and
the field is march included many women and girls and a number of youth
work in a circle around them .. Books and pictures: Mohamed Shaaban - Mohammed Fathi. Remained
march ladies Thtven against the regime, demanding an end to the rule of
the guide, and Zln Idan parents disembark, saying "get off my
Egyptian", and take their chants of "despair betrayal" and يرددن "down
acetic guide walks", and "not brothers nor Muslims .. stole Revolution
name of religion" , and "not infidels and atheists .. believers ...
Clashes between protesters and unidentified central Cairo .. The fire near the headquarters of the "Brothers Online" Baltoviqih
Ahram Gate - 1 hour ago
persons threw stones and bottles from the highest rooftops Street
"Downtown" on the march, which came out of the mosque Theology in
Shubra. The two sides exchanged firing stones, amid panic among the residents of the region as a result of firing gunshots. Protesters Kmalqy some Molotov cocktails on the market compromise which led to a fire in a shop. And
launched some market traders compromise bullets in the air to disperse
demonstrators who lit the tires in front of a real estate market
commons, specifically in front of the headquarters of the "Brothers
Online", and led to clashes stopped the traffic situation Street
Unknown assailants threw a Molotov cocktail on "Brothers Online" and wounding two policemen
The seventh day - 18 hours ago
assailants attacked the headquarters site Bros. Online downtown, and
threw Molotov cocktails at the headquarters, causing a fire in one of
the windows site, where skirmishes broke out between street vendors and
anonymous, which forced shopkeepers to close their shops in order to
avoid clashes. In
the same context, Magdy Abdel-Latif, the executive editor of the site
"Brothers Online", the Muslim Brotherhood official, that a number of
people threw Molotov cocktails at the building site the Baltoviqih, and
clashed with police forces. Abdul Latif said, in a special statement for the "seventh day", said the clashes resulted in ...
Video .. 'Black Block' claimed responsibility for the burning'' Brothers Online''
TOM - 3 hours ago
Movement 'Black Block', raised around Many debate about efficient
identity and affiliation, on the front on the social networking site''
Facebook'', claimed responsibility for the burning of the headquarters
site'' Brothers Online'' of the Muslim Brotherhood. The
official offered for 'Black Block', video prior to the date on which
the burning of the headquarters of'' Brothers Online'', shows a group of
masked youths, while preparing them to bottles Almmeltov preparation
for burning. She wrote a statement on the movement'' Facebook'' it says:'' Besoa .. Ashan ČÓ Najib other .. Legal ways and tried .. Spend and to come .. Peaceful and what Htva our death .. Concluded.
Journalists «Brothers Online» condemn the attack on their website .. And consider it a conspiracy against the GIA

condemned «Brothers Online» attack on their headquarters, where he
confirmed colleague Ahmed Morsi, a journalist at the site, that the
attack occurred on the site in downtown Cairo headquarters was through
the unknown, which did not result in any moral or material losses. Morsi
said that this attack is an attack on the press and the media, he said,
adding that this attack was aimed at the fact that the threat that the
site reflects the views of the Muslim Brotherhood, noting that Central
Security was attended to secure the headquarters and prosecutors
attended the preview event sparked. Said
Abeer al-Saadi, a member of the Bar Council, that the attack occurred
on the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood Online and also the siege
of the headquarters of the newspaper ...
Unidentified trying to break into the newspaper "Brothers Online" and the headquarters of freedom and justice Darb Red
Sada El-Bald echo country - 18 hours ago
dozens of protesters in the vicinity of the headquarters of the party
of freedom and justice in the region Darb El Ahmar trying storming
except that parents have to inform Colonel Mohammed Mahjoub Chief of
Detectives Darb El Ahmar, who attended on the spot and force
accompanying him and were able to disperse the demonstrators and control
of the situation before the assault on the headquarters, show investigations that masses Alawlands and behind the attack. In
the center of the country, unknown assailants attacked the headquarters
of the official website of the Muslim Brotherhood, "Brotherhood Online"
users Molotov cocktails which caused the fire Ballavth in the top of
the building area ...
Unidentified attack on the headquarters of the "Brothers Online" Bamolotov and fire in a banner the top of the building
Sada El-Bald echo country - 19 hours ago
assailants attacked the headquarters of the official website of the
Muslim Brotherhood, "Brotherhood Online" users Molotov cocktails which
caused the fire Ballavth in the top of the building area of
​​compromise. And enter the number of people and prevented them from storming the headquarters. The official website of the Brothers "Brothers Online" The thugs assaulted headquarters Bamolotov. Said
Magdi Abdel Latif, editor in chief of Ikhwan Online in a statement to
"vibrated the country" because they could not identify the attackers on
the building pointing to the injury of two Trustees of the police during
the attack on the building, which repeats twice a day.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Started mercy of Ramadan. Number of demonstrators tried to convince youth movement the Black Block masked leave the vicinity of the headquarters of the Muslim Brotherhood Online mail, Baltoviqih, but the youth a masked refused and insisted on staying and
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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