dubizzle دوبيزل
dubizzle دوبيزل
dubizzle دوبيزل
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 Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013 Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27559
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013 Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do   Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Emptyالجمعة يناير 25, 2013 5:26 pm

Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013

Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2137Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided dozens

Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2032Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2062Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2127office building in the province.
The clashes began when demonstrators tried to storm the building, prompting the security forces to address them, and launch tear gas to disperse them,

Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2217Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2264Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2302Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2335Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2359Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2369Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2381Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013  Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do Img_2341while protesters responded with stones, and the surrounding region is witnessing a building hit-and-run operations between the two parties now.
Organized labor and political parties, mass demonstrations in all the provinces to commemorate the second anniversary of the January 25 revolution, demanding objectives for which it has the revolution, and overthrow the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood, and reject the politics of the group and the Freedom and Justice party.
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Pictures .. Violent clashes between security forces and demonstrators before the Board of Suez 01/25/2013 Violent clashes erupted on Friday between hundreds of protesters and security forces in charge of securing the building Suez Bureau, ended raided do
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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