dubizzle دوبيزل
dubizzle دوبيزل
dubizzle دوبيزل
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 Peace, mercy and blessings of God Peace, mercy and blessings of God ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikaz الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikazDay after day advance in science and develop our

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27607
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Peace, mercy and blessings of God  Peace, mercy and blessings of God ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥   الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikaz الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikazDay after day advance in science and develop our  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Peace, mercy and blessings of God Peace, mercy and blessings of God ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikaz الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikazDay after day advance in science and develop our    Peace, mercy and blessings of God  Peace, mercy and blessings of God ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥   الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikaz الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikazDay after day advance in science and develop our  Emptyالسبت يناير 18, 2014 8:18 am

Peace, mercy and blessings of God
◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥

Peace, mercy and blessings of God  Peace, mercy and blessings of God ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥   الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikaz الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikazDay after day advance in science and develop our  Image
Peace, mercy and blessings of God  Peace, mercy and blessings of God ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥   الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikaz الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikazDay after day advance in science and develop our  ImageDay after day advance in science and develop our ideas but sometimes , or to 
transfer the most and this is more correct to think that everything is complicated and not plain , although the solution is always in front of you

Every science began by accident that you see and the idea evolved that way and become more evolved that became a reality

You 'll see when considering the gravity complex fractures and you'll see the numbers and strange symbols , despite its simplicity , for you considering the idea developed that became reality , directed by the mind of Newton

While Newton came to him by accident because Apple is not this funny

So all aware exists is an idea became a reality because it deliberated through the generations

Let's go back to our Alfoarkisih and dive deep into the books of the biggest business and my brothers I'm talking about practical experience is not the experience of a fake after Haggerty remained period to offset Hhaúda in this period searched for professors to teach me the art of administration and actually rule the country who live in it and found the seminars and people who are giants actually in the stock market and the forex and began threaded with them although I do not have even the capital of understanding Ahtermuna Bjlona and in spite of the difference of physical and linguistic and religious

Began to speak with them and ask them , and I even went to the office and entered the largest banks and all this free of charge because they noticed I am interested in this science and that to me the basic principles and of course thanks to this forum

Atrona and entered them and began to see their profits and their job and they offered to help me in the extra work and is to be an outlet in times of palms

Of course accepted and from here began amazed to win and they have traditionally been , and I did not see that I'm seeing in the complex charts in the forums

And heard a thousand times Be as you are and let them vary

This is not a construction theme , I shall put all their ways I find new equipment , and this is not stealing because I told you I can take advantage of you and you know I can not convey to me and they said someone else who deserves the flag and I think that it is my home here and here began my brothers, and you deserve

Night, trust in God

Of course the people whom you and I and so many of God and the argument trend your friend and they did not understand

Simply because concentrated to penetrate and break the trend and when you ask Millionaire tells you the trend is your friend and you're working yourself Fahim

I am what they said to me the trend your friend I said of course they said how?

I started to draw lines and flip chart is the youngest and biggest in the chart and look for more points touch line and Qllhm this Trend ideal strong Venzeroa to Kanye painted something does not help anything

They told me we want money this month to ensure you a break this month, I said, do not permit us to achieve Trend us money this month

Fdzt ...

How do I know they're going to make money this month

Ajabona trend means that the direction of

I know this very well.

And they said the trend determines the easy way and that is the buyers or sellers are red or green candle Fbtba red candles the trend is bearish and collect the green trend is upward

O day mesh Fayette means without understanding their trend rate of Llano candles of the same type serial

Red red red = downtrend partial
Green green green = partial uptrend
And some say Ptbahm with Trend , but also the public
Trend in here and draws on more than the number of tops or bottoms
Forgive me can Btkm Gerthelkm and your vision of the chart

Ok they realize how money from the micro- trend of course are people to have patience and a lot of money on a monthly profit Vidkhalo and claimed Qufu profits km
Theoretical and easy debutante or a professional can mastery
Principle trend friend
Dropped and all indications and news and Wu
Let the candles take you where the trend
When the candle last month, rising Here, they say the possibility of formation of trend or direction of a partial monthly and the FPS will be a year younger , and here we'll go with the trend
So green candle go long with the beginning of the month, and that was Alstob previous candle long Vncefha Take Stop and that was short Valavtaatah is Alstob
Target any time we close the deal with the last day of the month, and I am now follow the system Altrenj
Important remark is not any candle be accessed Candles that are not aligned angle away from these candles and candle , for example, almost vanishing rising size is too small not to consider it in other FPS they know to be the fluctuation of the oscillation forms Candles Monthly
We always say that the profit of the richest businessmen of 2% per year , or slightly more
Vanzero in two years and what made ​​this portfolio in an independent one pair and of course they enter on goods and currencies Addthm almost 12 chart
Generally two years only 442 points on a pair Eurodollar adventurously monthly

Peace, mercy and blessings of God  Peace, mercy and blessings of God ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥   الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikaz الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikazDay after day advance in science and develop our  61547544

And of course, claimed the conservative Other Ncov even the less time Alfrem many profit and increased risk

Khalakm Maaya and awaited your responses and Nqashkm
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Peace, mercy and blessings of God Peace, mercy and blessings of God ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ strategies of millionaires ♣ ♣ secrets of offices Alfoarkisih ◣ ◥ ♣ ◣ ◥ الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikaz الصورة الرمزية wolfkamikazDay after day advance in science and develop our
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
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