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 A very important article bring her back to those who have not watched before, the importance of the information listed: Details of a plan, "Bernard Lewis" to break up the Arab and Muslim world Who have not read the history think what has been wrought Am

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27558
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

A very important article bring her back to those who have not watched before, the importance of the information listed:  Details of a plan, "Bernard Lewis" to break up the Arab and Muslim world  Who have not read the history think what has been wrought Am Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: A very important article bring her back to those who have not watched before, the importance of the information listed: Details of a plan, "Bernard Lewis" to break up the Arab and Muslim world Who have not read the history think what has been wrought Am   A very important article bring her back to those who have not watched before, the importance of the information listed:  Details of a plan, "Bernard Lewis" to break up the Arab and Muslim world  Who have not read the history think what has been wrought Am Emptyالسبت مارس 02, 2013 9:56 am

A very important article bring her back to those who have not watched before, the importance of the information listed:

Details of a plan, "Bernard Lewis" to break up the Arab and Muslim world

have not read the history think what has been wrought America in Iraq
from occupation and division of surprising came Walid events that
produced, and what is happening now in South Sudan have motives and
reasons, but the fact big they forgot that what is happening now is the
realization and implementation of the scheme colonial planned by and
drafted and proclaimed Zionist and Crusader World;
to break up the Islamic world, and hashed and turn it into a "mosaic
paper" where the Zionist entity Mr. obeyed, and that since the
establishment of the Zionist entity in Palestine in 1948, and when we
publish this document serious for "Bernard Lewis," we aim to define
Muslim plot, particularly the young who
are the backbone of the nation and the makers strength and civilization
and its renaissance, and who were exposed to more "brainwashed" by a
team working diligently; to serve the Zionist project U.S. to stigmatize
those schemes as mere "conspiracy theory" Despite what we see eye view
before us of the facts in Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan , and the rest is coming no doubt if Gflana.
so do not forget what happened to us and what is happening now and what
will happen in the future, so the motivation for us to work and
movement; next to stop the flood.
Bernard Lewis, "Who is he? * Zionist Godfather.
* TCO enemies of Islam on earth.
Shy Ben preach the modern era, and who led the campaign against Islam
and the Prophet of Islam, and came out with a delegation city's Jews;
incites Arabian Peninsula to fight the Muslims and to get rid of their
His most serious project in this century to break the Arab and Muslim
world from Pakistan to Morocco, which is published by the magazine and
the U.S. Department of Defense.
Born "Bernard Lewis" in London in 1916, originally a British orientalist, Jew, Zionist affiliation, U.S. citizenship.
graduated from the University of London in 1936, and the work of the
teacher in the Department of History of the Eastern African Studies,
"Louis" a lot, and interference in the history of Islam and Muslims;
where he was a reference in it, he wrote about everything offends
Islamic history deliberate, he wrote about the Assassins, and assets
Ismailia, and speaking, and Qaramita, written in modern history Nazaaa
tendency Zionist authorized by and confirmed.
The newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" an article in which it said:
Lewis, "90 years", the eminent historian of the Middle East has
provided a lot of ammunition ideology of the Bush administration on
issues of the Middle East and the war on terrorism; until he is rightly
considered a scene for policy intervention and U.S. hegemony in the
newspaper also said that Lewis presented clear تأيدا of the Crusades
failed, and pointed out that the Crusades Ali ugliness was nevertheless
an understandable response to the attack Islamic during previous
centuries, and it is absurd to apologize.
the term "clash of civilizations" is associated Bamufkr conservative
"Samuel Huntington," the "Louis" is presented expression first to public
discourse, in the book "Huntington" issued in 1996, suggests the author
to a key paragraph in an article by "Louis" in 1990 entitled roots Muslim
rage, in which he said: "This is nothing less than a clash of
civilizations, may be illogical, but it is certainly a reaction historic
rival Old Jewish and Christian heritage, and our present secular, and
the global expansion of both."
the "Louis" close ties camp political neo-conservatives in the United
States since the seventies of the twentieth century; indicates where
"Jerist" of the American Enterprise Institute to that Louis remained for
years a "man of public affairs," he was a consultant for the
Departments of Bush father and son.
05/01/2006 AD were "Dick Cheney" Vice President "Bush" speech honoring
the "Louis" in the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia; where he
stated, "Cheney" that Lewis had come to Washington to serve as an
adviser to the Minister of Defense for the Middle East.
retired professor at the University of "Princeton" A 20 books on the
Middle East, including "The Arabs in History" and "the clash between
Islam and modernity in the modern Middle East" and "The Crisis of Islam"
and "war Mendsh and unholy terror."
not stand the role of Bernard Lewis when alert leadership in the two
continents of America and Europe, but also by doing role Godfather
Zionist who coined the neo-conservatives in the administration of
President George W. Bush their strategy in the deep hostility to Islam
and Muslims, has been involved Lewis in the development of a strategy
the U.S. invasion of Iraq; where the newspaper reported the U.S. that
"Louis" was with President Bush and Vice President Cheney, during the
disappearance on Monday after an incident airliner center of global
economic and during these meetings invented Louis invasion
justifications and objectives by including in the categories of "clash
of civilizations" and "Islamic terrorism."
an interview conducted by the Information Agency with "Lewis" in
05/20/2005 AD said the following text: "The Arabs and the Muslims folk
corrupt corrupting Anarchists, can not Thoudarham, and if left to
themselves will surprised civilized world waves human terrorist destroy
civilizations, and undermine communities, therefore the
right solution to deal with them is to re-occupation and colonization,
and the destruction of their religious culture and applications social,
In the event that America this role it has to benefit from the
experience the British and French to colonize the region; to avoid
errors and negative attitudes committed by the two countries, it was
necessary to re-divide the Arab countries and Islamic Units
tribal and sectarian lines, there is no need to take account of
thoughts or vulnerable Panevaalathm and reactions they have, and should
be the slogan of America in it, either put them under our sovereignty,
or let them to destroy our civilization, I do not mind when
re-occupation to be our mission declared is to train people in the
region to democratic life ,
and through this new colonialism do not mind that made America clicking
on their leadership Islamic - without boasting nor Lin and relentless -
to rid their people of Islamic beliefs corrupt, so they must clamp down
on these people and besiege, invest contradictions ethnic, and
partisanship tribal and sectarian where, before they invade America and Europe to destroy civilization. "
"Lewis" attempts a peaceful solution, and criticized the withdrawal
Zionist from southern Lebanon, describing the withdrawal as an act hasty
and unjustified, Zionist entity represents the front lines of Western
civilization, which stands in front of hatred Islamic pseudo-west
European and American, and therefore the Western nations that stand
in the face of this barbaric threat without delay or failure, and there
is no need for considerations of world public opinion, and when he
called America in 2007 to the "Annapolis" peace Lewis wrote in "Wall
Street," says:
should not look at this conference and its results only as a mere
tactic Timed, than strengthen the alliance against the Iranian threat,
and facilitate the dismantling of Arab and Islamic countries, and the
payment of the Turks and the Kurds, Arabs and Palestinians and Iranians
to fight each other, as did America with American Indians before."
Briggasinga former adviser to U.S. national security
Bernard Lewis project to divide the Arab and Islamic countries, and adopted by the United States for its future:
- in 1980 and Iran-Iraq war raging, said U.S. National Security Advisor
"Brzezinski" saying: "The dilemma would for the U.S. from now '1980 AD
'is how to activate Gulf war again based on the sidelines of the first
Gulf occurred between Iraq and Iran could America through correct limits "Sykes - Picot."

- Following the launch of this statement and commissioned by the
Ministry of Defense, "Pentagon" began of the Zionist Americanized
"Bernard Lewis" put his famous private dismantle the unit constitutional
Group of Arab States and the Islamic all separately, including Iraq,
Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia and countries Gulf and North African countries .. Etc.,
and break each to a group of cantons and states, ethnic and religious
sectarianism and factionalism, was annexed to his project detailed set
of maps drawn under his supervision include all Arab and Islamic
countries are candidates for fragmentation inspired by the content of a
statement, "Brzezinski" national security adviser under President

Special pricing a second Gulf war the United States can through correct
Sykes-Picot borders so that this correction is consistent with the U.S.
Zionist interest.
- In 1983, the U.S. Congress unanimously approved in closed session on
the project, Dr. "Bernard Lewis," and so was codified this project and
adoption and inclusion in the files of the U.S. policy strategy for
years to come.

Details of the project Alzioomriki to break up the Islamic world "to Bernard Lewis"
Special pricing a second Gulf war the United States can through correct
Sykes-Picot borders so that this correction is consistent with the U.S.
Zionist interest.
- In 1983, the U.S. Congress unanimously approved in closed session on
the project, Dr. "Bernard Lewis," and so was codified this project and
adoption and inclusion in the files of the U.S. policy strategy for
years to come.

Details of the project Alzioomriki to break up the Islamic world "to Bernard Lewis"
Map of North Africa
Dismantling of Libya, Algeria and Morocco with the aim of creating:
1 - State Berber: along the statelet Nubia, Egypt and Sudan.
2 - statelet Polisario.
3 - the rest states of Morocco and Algeria, Tunisia and Libya.
4 - Arabian Peninsula 'Gulf'

Map of the Arabian Peninsula and the Gulf
Cancel Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, Yemen and the United Arab Emirates
from the map and erase its presence to include constitutional Peninsula
and the Gulf only three states.

1 - Shia statelet Ahsa: 'includes Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain.'
2 - Sunni statelet find.
3 - Sunni statelet Hijaz.

5 - Iraq
The dismantling of Iraq along ethnic, religious and sectarian as happened in Syria during the Ottoman era.
3 states
1 - a Shiite mini-state in the south around Basra.
2 - Sunni mini-state in central Iraq around Baghdad.
- Kurdish mini-state in the north and northeast around Mosul
'Kurdistan' is based on parts of Iraqi territory and the Iranian and
Syrian, Turkish and Soviet 'former'.
Syria and Iraq Map
U.S. Senate as a withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq in 29/09/2007 on
dividing Iraq into three states mentioned above and student Massoud
Barzani work referendum to decide the fate of Iraq's Kurdistan region
and considered its capital province 'Kirkuk' oil-rich province of
Kurdish and received blessing Iraqi and U.S. in October 2010
and known that the Constitution "Bremer" and his allies of Iraqis has
approved federal which includes Petty three along sectarian lines:
Shiite 'south' / Sunni 'middle' / Kurdish in 'North', following the
occupation of Iraq in March-April 2003 '.
6 - Syria
See previous 'map of the division of Iraq and Syria'
Divided into distinct regions ethnically or religiously or ideologically
4 - states
1 - State top Shiite 'along the beach.'
2 - a Sunni state in the Aleppo area.
3 - Sunni state around Damascus.
4 - State Druze in the Golan Heights and Lebanon 'the southern lands Syria and Transjordan and Lebanese territory.'
7 - Lebanon
Map of Lebanon
Divide Lebanon into eight cantons ethnic, sectarian and religious:
1 - Sunni statelet in the north 'capital Tripoli'.
2 - Maronite statelet in the north 'capital of Jounieh'.
3 - statelet upper Bekaa Valley 'capital Baalbek' under Syrian influence in eastern Lebanon.
4 - Beirut international 'internationalized'
- Canton Palestinian on Sidon and up to the Litani River is controlled
by the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) 'em. T.. P'
6 - Canton brigade in the south, which includes Christians and half a million Shiites.
7 - Druze statelet 'in parts of the occupied Syrian and Lebanese and Palestinian territories'.
8 - Canton Christian under Israeli influence.
Division of Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan
8 - Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan
Divided into ten ethnic entities are weak:
1 - Kurdistan.
2 - Azerbaijan.
3 - Turkistan.
4 - Arabistan.
5 - Aaranstan 'what remains of Iran after partition'.
6 - Bokhonstan.
7 - Blonstan.
8 - Afghanistan 'what is left of them after the division'.
9 - Pakistan 'what is left of them after the division'.
10 - Kashmir.
9 - Turkey
Grab part of it and attached to the Kurdish state to be established in Iraq.
10 - Jordan
Filter Jordan and the transfer of authority to the Palestinians.
11 - Palestine
Map of Greater Israel
Swallowed whole and the demolition of its components and the extermination of its people.
Map of Greater Israel
Map of Greater Israel
12 - Yemen
the current constitutional entity of the state of Yemen calls all the
southern and northern and consider the entire territory as part of the
statelet Hijaz.
Sykes - Picot 1916 and has been sharing what is left of the Levant
after World War I, between England and France, which followed the
Balfour Declaration in 1917 for the Jews in Palestine
Jimmy Carter ruled America since '1977-1981 'and in his deconstruction
project was developed, a shrewd priest depends soft policy and is now
touring Arab and Muslim countries under the pretext of democracy and
promote peace in the region!!!
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
A very important article bring her back to those who have not watched before, the importance of the information listed: Details of a plan, "Bernard Lewis" to break up the Arab and Muslim world Who have not read the history think what has been wrought Am
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