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 Tighten security on the bank Ama Israel because of the series "band Naji Atallah" In the news ridiculous and demonstrates the fear Israeli Permanent, said "LG Space", Israeli police secured the Bank of Ama and enhance security guard to guard against the

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27472
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Tighten security on the bank Ama Israel because of the series "band Naji Atallah"   In the news ridiculous and demonstrates the fear Israeli Permanent, said "LG Space", Israeli police secured the Bank of Ama and enhance security guard to guard against the Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Tighten security on the bank Ama Israel because of the series "band Naji Atallah" In the news ridiculous and demonstrates the fear Israeli Permanent, said "LG Space", Israeli police secured the Bank of Ama and enhance security guard to guard against the   Tighten security on the bank Ama Israel because of the series "band Naji Atallah"   In the news ridiculous and demonstrates the fear Israeli Permanent, said "LG Space", Israeli police secured the Bank of Ama and enhance security guard to guard against the Emptyالخميس فبراير 21, 2013 6:45 pm

Tighten security on the bank Ama Israel because of the series "band Naji Atallah"
In the news ridiculous and demonstrates the fear Israeli Permanent, said "LG Space", Israeli police secured the Bank of Ama and enhance security guard to guard against theft may occur.

That decision came after security events of the series "band Naji Atallah" provided by the Egyptian actor "just in front" on the Arab screens in the holy month of Ramadan, which revolves around a bank robbery "Ama" Israeli aided by some young Egyptians to a breakthrough.

The last robbery of a bank for Ama was years ago where he managed a young Palestinian from penetrating Bank site for Ama and stealing money from the Bank's clients in a manner very smart by building a Web site a fake bank. Were Directors of the Bank has made ​​a complaint to the police that someone was able to penetrate customer accounts and enables of stealing money
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Tighten security on the bank Ama Israel because of the series "band Naji Atallah" In the news ridiculous and demonstrates the fear Israeli Permanent, said "LG Space", Israeli police secured the Bank of Ama and enhance security guard to guard against the
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