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dubizzle دوبيزل
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 Barbarian Group announces desire to fill vacant positions in offices in Khartoum and Port Sudan as follows: 01/30/2013 First: Khartoum: 1 / Position: Director of Mali - a barbarian: Conditions: B.Sc. Accounting from a recognized university Experience of n

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27565
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Barbarian Group announces desire to fill vacant positions in offices in Khartoum and Port Sudan as follows: 01/30/2013 First: Khartoum: 1 / Position: Director of Mali - a barbarian: Conditions: B.Sc. Accounting from a recognized university Experience of n Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Barbarian Group announces desire to fill vacant positions in offices in Khartoum and Port Sudan as follows: 01/30/2013 First: Khartoum: 1 / Position: Director of Mali - a barbarian: Conditions: B.Sc. Accounting from a recognized university Experience of n   Barbarian Group announces desire to fill vacant positions in offices in Khartoum and Port Sudan as follows: 01/30/2013 First: Khartoum: 1 / Position: Director of Mali - a barbarian: Conditions: B.Sc. Accounting from a recognized university Experience of n Emptyالأربعاء يناير 30, 2013 9:08 pm

Barbarian Group announces desire to fill vacant positions in offices in Khartoum and Port Sudan as follows: 01/30/2013
First: Khartoum:
1 /
Position: Director of Mali - a barbarian:
B.Sc. Accounting from a recognized university
Experience of not less than 15 years in the field of accounts
Lap English proficiency and computer Brahms
Preferably with experience in business accounts
Age at least 45 years
Male applicants only

2 /
Occupation: Accountant - new graduates:
? Conditions:
BA in Accounting from a recognized university
Good knowledge of English and computer Brama
Certificate of clearance from the service Lwahnah
Male applicants only

3 /
Occupation: Marketing Officer - Navigation freely:
Bachelor of Commerce or Business Administration from an accredited university
Lap English proficiency and computer Brama
Experience of not less than 3 years in the field of maritime
Certificate of clearance from the National Service
Male applicants only

4 /
? Function: Trustees stores:
Bachelor of Commerce or Economics from a recognized university
Good knowledge roll English and Brama Alhacopa
Certificate of clearance from the National Service

5 /
Occupation: Secretarial:
? Conditions:
Bachelor of Business Administration or Secretarial from a recognized university
Language proficiency in spoken and written English
Full knowledge of computer Berama

6 /
Position Director of Auto Parts:
? Tape:
Be obtained a Bachelors or Masters in Business Administration
Experience of not less than 10 years in the field of spare parts and preferred to be in Hyundai cars
Practical experience in warehouse inventory and work orders and management of spare parts stores and auto accessories
Has the potential to improve sales in the domestic market
He has full knowledge of computer
Age at least 35 years

7 /
Occupation: Musharraf plumbing section:
? Conditions:
He must have a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with experience of not less than 5 years
be a holder of a university diploma in mechanical engineering system
with 3 years of experience of not less than 8 years in the plumbing
That have had experience in the work of major accidents estimates for luxury cars and preferably from has Fberh in Hyundai cars
That have had experience in the control and management of modern workshops
of manpower and equipment workshop and improve staff efficiency and
quality control and completion of on-time delivery of the main duties

Second: Sudan:
1 /
Position: Director of Mali Maritime:
BA in Accounting from a recognized university
Experience of not less than 10 years in the field of accounts
Lap English proficiency and computer Brama
Preferably with experience in the field of maritime
Age at least 35 years
Male applicants only

2 /
Occupation: Accountants recent graduates:
BA in Accounting from recognized Bamah
Good knowledge roll English and computer Brama
If a party certificate of national service
Male applicants only

3 /
? Job Trustees stores:
Bachelor of Commerce or Economics from a recognized university
Good knowledge roll English and Brama Alhacopa
Certificate of clearance from the National Service

4 /
Occupation: Accountant experience:
? Conditions:
Bachelor of Commerce or Business Administration from the University of Matervd
Good knowledge of English and computer Brama
Experience of not less than two years in the field of accounting
Certificate of clearance from the National Service
Male applicants only

5 /
Occupation: Secretarial:
? Conditions:
Bachelor of Business Administration or Secretarial from a recognized university
Lap English proficiency sets and writing
? Full knowledge of computer Berama

6 /
Occupation: Administrative Affairs Coordinator:
Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Matervd
Age at least 35 years
Lap English proficiency
Experience in Microsoft Office software
Preferably with experience in administrative work
Certificate of clearance from the National Service
Follow-up clearance
Follow-up shipping
Follow-up credits
Follow-up of Administrative Affairs
Field visits to stores
Processing reports
Print letters and send emails Ted ~, that

7 /
Position: observer rid:
Has Vihadh rid assistants
Has certificate regular Alascuda and global
Experience of not less than (years in the field of clearance
Age at least 35 years
Literacy courses and Customs Clearance

8 /
Job: Mechanical Engineer / Mechanical Technician:
? Conditions:
Bachelor degree or diploma in industrial mechanics mechanisms
Age at least 40 years.
Experience in the field of mechanics
Preferably has experience in workshops Moas and railway
Certificate of clearance from the National Service

should be sent attached CV and a photo of a university degree (public -
details), a copy of experience certificate, a photograph on the email
address below that little job you want to apply on the subject of
hand-delivered to the reception on the premises of group barbarian Port
Sudan - Khartoum with the name of the function you want to apply or the
site on the envelope.
Port Sudan - the big market - West Luna Park (former municipal) Barbary
Building - barbaric Motor Show, Tel: 031183 - 034012 to 034013
Khartoum Address: New Industrial Area - Khartoum South barbaric exhibition of cars, Tel: 0183484432 - 0183483998 - 0183483952
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Barbarian Group announces desire to fill vacant positions in offices in Khartoum and Port Sudan as follows: 01/30/2013 First: Khartoum: 1 / Position: Director of Mali - a barbarian: Conditions: B.Sc. Accounting from a recognized university Experience of n
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
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» Wish Matthew Group of Companies to fill in the following position: Security personnel of both sexes to work projects various company sites. General Conditions: 1. Be a Sudanese national. 2. Have previous experience irregular forces (police - security - t
» Sudan 12/22/2012 Technical function - University of Khartoum
» 01/30/2013 Sudan Announces Director of Human Resources under the chairmanship of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in coordination with the General Directorate of Medical Services for the desire of the armed forces to accommodate medical staff of both sexes By d
»  Aladawih human and veterinary medical equipment and agricultural field for a job, according to the following conditions: - Pharmacist delegate propaganda Medical A / be holds a bachelor Pharmacy from a recognized university b certificates Sudan1/12/2012

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