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 Success story of the founder of Facebook face Book Facebook and a great success story When he arrived at Marc Zakrberg to the city of Palo Alto in California four years ago did not have the car to take him or beta يأويه or pursuant to shield them from t

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عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27440
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Success story of the founder of Facebook face Book  Facebook and a great success story  When he arrived at Marc Zakrberg to the city of Palo Alto in California four years ago did not have the car to take him or beta يأويه or pursuant to shield them from t Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Success story of the founder of Facebook face Book Facebook and a great success story When he arrived at Marc Zakrberg to the city of Palo Alto in California four years ago did not have the car to take him or beta يأويه or pursuant to shield them from t   Success story of the founder of Facebook face Book  Facebook and a great success story  When he arrived at Marc Zakrberg to the city of Palo Alto in California four years ago did not have the car to take him or beta يأويه or pursuant to shield them from t Emptyالثلاثاء يناير 22, 2013 10:35 pm

Success story of the founder of Facebook face Book

Facebook and a great success story

he arrived at Marc Zakrberg to the city of Palo Alto in California four
years ago did not have the car to take him or beta يأويه or pursuant to
shield them from the question, and do not even look this bleak picture a
chapter from the novel Les Miserables, the Marc Today the helm
leadership position social "Facebook Dutt com
"Facebook.com which is known globally connect people with each other,
rejecting the same time the hands that stretched out to him with offers
of up to one billion dollars. Is it conceivable this boy?
Life on the edge of the abyss

just three years turned operations "Facebook dot com" from the depths
of apartments leased settlement to Rehab corporate offices luxury where
there is three meals a day in addition to Ironing and dry cleaning, but
despite this development seems they have remained scattered كغرف
students housing universities .
Zakrberg story of the film began a miracle child invents a
technological phenomenon while studying at the University of upscale, a
Harvard, and then fired to raise a whirlwind of attention. With
the rise of his star students begin eminent roam near his room in
university housing in the hope of identifying him personally. This
chapter ends leaving for college to work on the development of his
invention and make Superman who will change the world as the Covenant. And
actually what started four years merely website social Networking Site
for university students has now become the front favorite for more than
42 million subscribers (October 2007 and forecasts say that the number
will be 60 million by the end of 2007), including employees in
government agencies and companies in the list of the Giants the 500. The site receives daily visits from more than half of the subscriber. According
to the company "comScore Media Metrics," which tracks the movement of
the Internet site "Facebook" is the sixth site commonly used in the
United States - and this means that 1% of the time on the internet go in
favor of the site "Facebook".

site also class, according to the company mentioned in the first place
in terms of the numbers of alternating images on the Internet, where the
number of those charged in the site daily to six million a picture. The site began competing search engine "Google" with Flickr and 85 million images and other technology giants. As the interface of choice for talented young engineers seeking in the U.S. and Silicon Valley. Says
Debra Aho Williamson, an analyst at E - Markir e-Marketer that the site
is going at a fast pace to bring $ 100 million in revenue this year -
and this amount is not significant.
recognizes that "hacker" Hacker said: "Most people think of hearing the
word" hacker "that the subject is about to penetrate systems," but
Ajarik this opinion if what Bhakr described when you know that you
differ with him in his translation of this word. For
him the hacker community revolves around sharing effort and knowledge
to accomplish something bigger and better and faster than can a single
individual do. He
explains that, saying: "There is a strong emphasis on openness and
share information as a process and typical strategy to accomplish
anything." He
even has inventing a new term as "Hakathonz" Hackathons suspended on
Facebook - which is synonymous with what might be interpreted by others
as a session focused for the exchange of ideas among a group of
Mark Zakrberg, evil hacker

what prompted the site "Facebook" to the forefront of the world was
based originally on the intrusion and illegal entry of arch style, The
Zakrberg was the culprit. Grew
up Zakrberg in suburb "Dobbs Ferry" luxury in New York, which is the
second sisters girls and the only son of a dentist (By the way, did not
suffer from tooth decay) and psychiatrist (leave the reader thinking
humor appropriate here). Began to tamper with the computer age and early learning himself how to program. And
he developed and teammate DeAngelo Adam D'Angelo before graduating from
high school program works feature additional music player mp3 popularly
known as Winamp "Winamp", and aims to follow and learn your habits to
listen to music for the later establishment of a list of songs that he
loves your taste. After
publishing a free online program Thar attention of major companies such
as Microsoft, AOL and Khataboh on tone Istzla phone Zakrberg saying:
"Look, you can come to work for us. Oh and by the way Bring that thing that programming. " But
instead grabbed these offers two decided to follow up the study,
enrolled DeAngelo at the University "Caltech" and Zakrberg at the
University, "Harvard."

are events occur ring crime penetration, which began its motives
because of the lack of Harvard University for the names and pictures of
students in basic manual, a guide familiar to the other universities as
the Book of Faces students Face Book, and in return he wanted Zakrberg
create an electronic version of this information, but the university
says Zakrberg :
"insisted on the argument that a lot of reasons prevent the collection
of such information," and adds: "I just wanted to prove to them that
this is possible." In
one of the nights of the beginning of the second school year broke
Zakrberg electronic records of students at the university, and
established a simple dubbed "Face Mash" "Facemash" which works on a
comparison of images of students with pictures of visitors to determine
which one "more attractive" form. During
the four hours of the site 450 feet 22,000 visitors viewed a picture,
and when he was discovered severed Harvard link online Zakrberg. After
concert reprimanded by management and owner of much controversy on
campus as codified by university magazine apologized Zakrberg politely
of his fellow students. But
he insisted on his conviction that he had done the right thing by
saying: "I used to think that such information must be provided."
(Harvard University refused to comment on the incident)

And ultimately baptized Zakrberg to dodge administration. So, the work of the model for the book faces Facebook and asked his colleagues to enter their own data. And
helped him at the outset of his friends Andrew McCollum and
EduardoSaverin has consumed his time much of it until it with the end of
the first quarter and two days before the exam art and history found
himself in a dilemma difficult, is not solved only studied 500 photos
from the era Romanian [Translator: era August first Roman emperor] . Says
Zakrberg: "were not this article is similar to an account or
mathematics in terms of the application of theories and then calculated
the numbers, where you must save it before the exam time." The solution
was that the adventure-style adventures of Tom Sawyer, Fbna a website
and put all of those pictures in Page and allocated a place for comments. And
hastened to send an email calling on his colleagues to visit the site
and share their observations about those historical images, exactly as
it is in the seminars to discuss the mission on the Internet. He
adds, saying: "During the two hours were filled with pages of pictures
of the observations were good exam result is not only for me but for
The Facebook site starting

Off site Thefacebook.com originally also called on 4 February 2004. Subscribe in which half of the students studying at Harvard University in two weeks and then numbers close to two-thirds.This
was followed by the desire to students from other colleges show their
faces on the site, prompting the trio to allocate space for new
subscribers from universities such as Stanford and Yale. With the advent of the month of May arrived subscribers at the site to 30 universities. The revenue comes from ads for student events and private business colleges, which amounted to a few thousand dollars.

Zakrberg say about this achievement, "what we had hoped here is to
travel to California to spend the summer holidays there celebrate
really went at the end of the second year (after they left the
university finally decided to pay attention to the site full-time) to
the city of Palo Alto, Palo Alto, accompanied by his two friends
Moskovitz and Adam Hughes. Rented
upon arrival apartment settlement with Sean Parker, founder raise
Sharing service Napster files not far from the campus of Stanford
University and here hen intervened to laying the golden eggs.

September 2004, the company and site ConnectU sued Mark and he stole
all software codes for use in his personal and the case is still pending
and did not prove to condemn Mark this moment. And
the story was that he was appointed to the company to develop the site
stood up to take the code and the mailing list and send all message
يحرضهم registration in his company revealed the subject. Now
versa Customs says that the fact that Kate Yu is steal the list of mail
from his position and send them messages because the register in place
and raise them the cause of this issue and things are still pending
between their cause and their cause.
The beginning of the investment

First investment was by co-founder founded and Paypal, Peter Thiel in the amount of $ 500,000.

In March 2005, managed the site Astjmab company Accel Partners to pump $ 12.7 million as investment capital. And
in August of the same year bought Facebook domain name Facebook without
"a" of The About Face Corporation in the amount of $ 200,000.

In February 2006, Facebook began allowing university students to add university students as friends. And a month later rumors began to appear about the possibility of buying the site of the Giants adults. In the same month, Facebook has the biggest progress, namely enable third party and Mtorien to write applications for the site.

In April 2006 Peter Thiel Greylock Partners and Meritech Capital Partners invested an additional $ 25 million in the site.

has in the last year with several additions to the site, rankings and
thus widening the services of the site and finally Microsoft bought 1.6
of the site in the amount of $ 240 million and also acquired online ads
on Facebook at the moment.

Facebook estimated the value of his company $ 3.7 billion. Information became apparent through the judicial file is not protected and well monitored.
Estimates FB rates as a global location:

Custom Information Office The Associated Press that the Facebook value of only $ 3.7 billion. Amount,
of course, much less than the $ 15 billion, the estimated amount by
Microsoft in 2007 for Facebook, which until that time bought shares
worth $ 240 million in Facebook.

emerged from the protected files are exchanged in court that took place
between Facebook and ConnectU, which was finally resolved (we were
eagerly waiting for the result).
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
Success story of the founder of Facebook face Book Facebook and a great success story When he arrived at Marc Zakrberg to the city of Palo Alto in California four years ago did not have the car to take him or beta يأويه or pursuant to shield them from t
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