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 Security App of the Week: Bitdefender انتي-سريبتولوكير الأمن التطبيق من الأسبوع: بيتدفندر مكافحة CryptoLocker... Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker Enlarge picture - Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker CryptoLocker is highly problematic these days. The threat is

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 7727
نقاط : 27607
السٌّمعَة : 1
تاريخ التسجيل : 28/09/2012

Security App of the Week: Bitdefender انتي-سريبتولوكير  الأمن التطبيق من الأسبوع: بيتدفندر مكافحة CryptoLocker...   Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker Enlarge picture - Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker  CryptoLocker is highly problematic these days. The threat is Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Security App of the Week: Bitdefender انتي-سريبتولوكير الأمن التطبيق من الأسبوع: بيتدفندر مكافحة CryptoLocker... Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker Enlarge picture - Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker CryptoLocker is highly problematic these days. The threat is   Security App of the Week: Bitdefender انتي-سريبتولوكير  الأمن التطبيق من الأسبوع: بيتدفندر مكافحة CryptoLocker...   Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker Enlarge picture - Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker  CryptoLocker is highly problematic these days. The threat is Emptyالثلاثاء ديسمبر 03, 2013 5:26 am

Security App of the Week: Bitdefender انتي-سريبتولوكير

الأمن التطبيق من الأسبوع: بيتدفندر مكافحة CryptoLocker...

[img(728.3333399999999px,356.33334px)]http://i1-news.softpedia-static.com/images/news-700/Security-App-of-the-Week-Bitdefender-Anti-CryptoLocker.png?1385999282[/img]Security App of the Week: Bitdefender انتي-سريبتولوكير  الأمن التطبيق من الأسبوع: بيتدفندر مكافحة CryptoLocker...   Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker Enlarge picture - Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker  CryptoLocker is highly problematic these days. The threat is Tb_zoom- Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker
CryptoLocker is highly problematic these days. The threat is designed to encrypt certain files found on infected computers and keep them that way until the user agrees to pay a ransom that can be as high as a couple of thousands of dollars. 

Currently, there’s no way of recovering encrypted files if you don’t have backups or system restore points. That’s why the best way to protect yourself against CryptoLocker is by taking a proactive approach.

Bitdefender’s Anti-CryptoLocker can protect your files by blocking the malware from accessing its command and control (C&C) servers. Since the ransomware can no longer retrieve the public key from the server, it can’t encrypt files.

The tool is easy to use and configure. It can be set to run when Windows starts, so you don’t have to worry about keeping an eye on it.

You can download Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker from Softpedia.
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Security App of the Week: Bitdefender انتي-سريبتولوكير الأمن التطبيق من الأسبوع: بيتدفندر مكافحة CryptoLocker... Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker Enlarge picture - Bitdefender Anti-CryptoLocker CryptoLocker is highly problematic these days. The threat is
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