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 Why do we sleep?

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
saber tony

عدد المساهمات : 69
نقاط : 4533
السٌّمعَة : 10
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/11/2012

Why do we sleep? Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Why do we sleep?   Why do we sleep? Emptyالإثنين ديسمبر 03, 2012 9:04 am

Why do we sleep?
Sleep of the great signs of God, we slept about a quarter to a third of
Our lives, which is a very long time, it arrived sixty have slept about 20 years, a
For a long time. Is it conceivable that he make such a long period in sleep and do not have
Have to sleep benefits? Is it conceivable that creates the Almighty Creator who created man in
Best stature, sleep in vain and a loss of time he says in Surah Rum: 23 "and
His signs منامكم night and day. "Many do not realize the importance of sleep, and is believed to have
A waste of time, man in the 19th century was sleeping one to two hours more than
Rights in the present era, and successive studies every decade show that
Sleep duration less gradually, and this is one of the problems of modern civilization. And attributed the lack of
Sleep in recent decades to the introduction of electricity and lighting. Vmokhtra electricity
The lighting "Addison world" had a theory believed that sleep is a waste of time,
And it can invest some time to sleep for work and production, and that if he could convert
Night into day for the reduced period of sleep. He already succeeded in lighting the darkness of the night,
But he could not change the creation of the Almighty Creator, Sleeping membership function necessary
Of man and every living organism, all animals sleep.
We will review in this article
And organic sleep functions and importance. Studies have shown that conducted
Animals, full of sleep deprivation resulting in the death of the animal. The
Sleep deprivation has been used as one of the most egregious and crudest methods of torture in detention centers. It
It is important here to distinguish between sleep deprivation and insomnia. Valerq satisfactory reasons for his
Many will not be discussed here, but sleep deprivation is a lack of or short sleep duration
Night that result in increased sleepy in the daytime and physiological changes we will talk
Them. And lack of sleep may be due to the lack of a period or hours of sleep caused by ensuring that
For example, or a lack of quality sleep because of some of the diseases that affect the quality of
Such as snoring and sleep apnea. The main reason for the lack of sleep
Our society is the iPod. We have shown in more than a local search that we sleep less than many
From other communities, and this applies to all age groups, Vmojtmana community
Sanctifies nightlife. In research we conducted on a sample of elementary school students in
Riyadh and published in Singapore Journal of Medicine, found that children sleep
Less than their peers from school students in all countries of the world who has studied the subject.
The reason for this is two-fold: the first part is the iPod amounts in the night and this is
Clear and obvious to all readers, and the second part is that we have an early start schools
Very. The aforementioned lack of sleep in children and found similar results to him when
University students and even middle-aged. In a paper was presented at the annual conference
Saudi Thoracic Society 2008 and found that 54 percent of university students are sleeping
Less than 7 hours, compared with 21 percent of the same age group in the States

Sleep is essential for all body functions. Lack of sleep results in a lack of
In concentration and memory and slow in reaction and making the right decisions, it also
Cause an increase in daytime sleepiness and irritable. The search showed more than one
We have had on the school students in Riyadh that lack of sleep affects academic achievement
When students. The Male parents and teachers of elementary school students surveyed
Survey in the city of Riyadh that 13.5 percent of boys and 6.9 percent of
Girls sleeping in the classroom, and this is without a doubt is almost entirely due to the lack of hours
Sleep. The research also showed that fatal car accidents increase in the hours
Late at night and not at peak times, and due to the driver's drowsiness and sleep
While driving. It is also believed that many of the disasters that have occurred recently
Of humanity, such as the Chernobyl accident in the Soviet Union and the Bhopal incident in India
Resulted due to poor assessment and decision-making of workers due to sleepiness and fatigue.
Research suggests that waking up continued for 24 hours arrive capacity
Mental decision-making quick and correct when rights to the same degree when
Drunk. The lack of sleep a cumulative process, for example, not getting enough sleep for several
Nights have a similar impact to stay awake for twenty-four hours straight.
The influence of hormones and endocrine functions:
Sleepless causes lack of sleep disruption in the secretion of a lot of important hormones,
The regulatory body loses the ability and daily rhythm of secretion of hormones. It
Hormones that are affected: cortisol and adrenaline, and growth hormone is very important
Body;, where it is important for the growth of children and important for the repair and cell proliferation in adults,
Ensure also affects the sex hormones. The lack of sleep increases the resistance
Insulin, particularly in patients with diabetes, leading to higher level
Glucose in the blood. The newly proven that chronic lack of sleep increases the weight of the causes
Many of them with regard to hormone-like hormone leptin and ghrelin. This
Is very important to children and young people, for parental control. The
The results of field research on high school students in one of the U.S. states and dissemination
In the Journal of sleep and breathing, that 90 percent of secondary students sleep less than
Eight hours a day, and 19 percent slept less than 6 hours a day. It concluded
Results of the study and there is a strong relationship between a lot of drinking and a shortage of coffee
Hours of sleep on the one hand and increase the weight on the other hand. The researchers found that the likelihood of
Obesity students who sleep less than five hours per day was 8.5 times
More likely to gain weight when students who slept more than 8 hours. While
Other possibilities 2.8 times for those who slept 5 to 7 hours and 1.3 for those who slept 7
To 8 hours. Therefore, we say: If you want ideal weights Vahsaloa a perfect sleep.
Influence the immune system:
Modern research shows that the iPod and lack of sleep may result in them twice in the device
Immune system and the ability of immune cells to deal with UFOs
And microbes. The specialists believe that lack of sleep increases the risk of
Colds. Has proved a scientific study published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine
(January 2009) that belief., The researchers studied the number of hours of sleep 153 volunteers
For a period of two consecutive weeks. Then volunteers were isolated in special rooms have been exposed
Of the common cold virus (Rhinovirus) by putting drops in the nose. During the five days
Next, researchers monitored the emergence of symptoms of colds when volunteers, as well as measuring
Antibodies against the virus in the blood and nasal secretions cultivation. Results came
Very exciting;, where researchers found that sleep fewer hours increases the risk of
Cold. The results showed that the incidence of colds was three times higher when the
Who slept less than seven hours, compared to those who slept eight hours or more.
And respiratory league:
When people with chronic breathing problems FD increases ensure the appearance of some of the symptoms.
Research has shown that sleep apnea increases in people with snoring
When iPod or stress. As for the heart and circulatory system, some
Evidence suggests that iPod may raise blood pressure. The iPod may not directly affect
In the heart, has examined the medical teams from the Universities of Warwick and University College London
Into British sleep patterns among ten thousand and 308 government officials and compared them
Death rates. The researchers found doubled the risk of heart disease among those who slashed
Their sleep from seven hours to five hours a night, or who increased the number of hours
Sleep for eight hours, compared to those who committed seven hours each night.
above is only the tip of the iceberg, and medical research show us you
every day new evidence on the importance of sleep and the great miracles
in verse sleep
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Why do we sleep?
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