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dubizzle دوبيزل
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 True story Two women in America had been placed at the same time

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
saber tony

عدد المساهمات : 69
نقاط : 4533
السٌّمعَة : 10
تاريخ التسجيل : 25/11/2012

True story Two women in America had been placed at the same time Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: True story Two women in America had been placed at the same time   True story Two women in America had been placed at the same time Emptyالإثنين ديسمبر 03, 2012 9:03 am

True story
Two women in America had been placed at the same time and one gave birth to a boy and the other girl and because
The fault of the nurses did not learned about gave birth to the boy and gave birth to a girl. After that, they

Share blood and DNA Vugodo result
Very close to make doctors are perplexed and could not solve this problem
The two women insist every one of them they are the ones that gave birth to a boy .. Important to have
Doctors at the hospital informed the officials about this problem .. And when the news arrives

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Msalin said .. Does not solve the problem of non-Muslims .. Where they connect
One of the brothers in Saudi Arabia and the dialogue came as follows .. Americans:
Pain say that every problem only has a solution in your religion, he said: Yes, and he told the story
He said: The solution is very simple Take drops of milk for both the two women and examined. فالحليب
Which contains more materials rich and nutritious it is the woman who gave birth to a boy ..
The milk, which contains less rich materials and nutritious it is the woman who gave birth to a daughter.
Doctors went and took samples of milk and have actually examined and found the difference
Between them and learned from them gave birth to a boy and a girl.
Where God says (to the male, a portion of two females
(((The most beautiful thing I read today)))
Glorified Lord اعظمك
If I sat in the dark in the hands of God used morals of children ..
A child If you request something and did not give him cried until it takes ..
You so this child and ask your need
> Mark circa Attin ✌:
Yourself and your Lord ☝
> Mark your faith Qoiaa two ✌:
Lord ☝ and intent
> Use adversity two ✌:
Patience ☝ Prayer
> Keep in worldly on two Baadallah satisfaction ✌:
Mother father
> To اتخف two ✌ because they are in God's hands:
Livelihood ☝ and Almoot ..
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True story Two women in America had been placed at the same time
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